How to Control Stepper Motors

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Arduino IDE Software
Putty.exe (Putty SSH Client)
WinSCP (FTP Software)
Biplolar Full Step (1 Phase On) from P.144 Biploar Full Step (2 Phases On) from p.152
Biplolar Half Step from p.156 Unipolar Full Step (1 Phase On) from p.161
Unipolar Full Step (2 Phases On) from p.165 Unipolar Half Step from p.169
Universal Stepper Motor Control from p.174 TB6600 Whole, Half and Microstepping from p.194

Bipolar Full Step (1 Phase On) from page 144.

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Bipolar Full Step (2 Phases On) from p.152

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Biplolar Half Step from p.156

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Unipolar Full Step (1 Phase On) from p.161

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Unipolar Full Step (2 Phases On) from p.165

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Unipolar Half Step from p.169

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Universal Stepper Motor Control from p.174

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TB6600 Whole, Half and Microstepping from p.194

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