Using the NRF24L01+
with the Arduino

I welcome your questions and comments. Email me at

Alert - There is a misprint on line 23 of the sketch on p. 61 (NRF24L01 Basic Receive).
should read:

Thanks to Jose Luis Sinovas Uribe for discovering the error.

Line 30 of the sketch on page 61 should read:
for (int i=0;i<32;i++){

Arduino IDE Software
NRF24L01 Library
printf.h (right-click on this file and save it to your sketch directory)
NRF24L01 Basic Transmit from p.56
NRF24L01 Basic Receive from p.61
Basic Transmit with Dynamic Payloads(Send) from p.67
Basic Transmit with Dynamic Payloads(Receive) from p.68
Receiving Data from Multiple Modules (Transmitting Sketch) from p.73
Receiving Data from Multiple Modules (Receiving Sketch) from p.74
Bidirectional Transmissions and Acknowledgments (Transmitting Sketch) from p.81
Bidirectional Transmissions and Acknowledgments (Receiving Sketch) from p.85
Printing details with printf from p.89
Printing details without printf from p.90
Frequency Sniffer (Send) from p.93
Frequency Sniffer (Receive) from p.94
Read and Write Registers from p.98
Read the Status Register from p.106
Standard Acknowledgement Packets (Transmit) from p.112
Standard Acknowledgement Packets (Receive) from p.115
IRQ Wakeup Call (Transmit) from p.121
IRQ Wakeup Call (Receive) from p.124

NRF24L01 Basic Transmit from p.56

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NRF24L01 Basic Receive from p.61

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Basic Transmit with Dynamic Payloads(Send) from p.67

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Basic Transmit with Dynamic Payloads(Receive) from p.68

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Receiving Data from Multiple Modules (Transmitting Sketch) from p.73

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Receiving Data from Multiple Modules (Receiving Sketch) from p.74

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Bidirectional Transmissions and Acknowledgments (Transmitting Sketch) from p.81

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Bidirectional Transmissions and Acknowledgments (Receiving Sketch) from p.85

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Printing details with printf from p.89

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Printing details without printf from p.90

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Frequency Sniffer (Send) from p.93

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Frequency Sniffer (Receive) from p.94

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Read and Write Registers from p.98

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Read the Status Register from p.106

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Standard Acknowledgement Packets (Transmit) from p.112

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Standard Acknowledgement Packets (Receive) from p.115

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IRQ Wakeup Call (Transmit) from p.121

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IRQ Wakeup Call (Receive) from p.124

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